.: GSTU programmer alympiad 2008

Student Olympics programming in 2008, held in GSTU named after Pavel Sukhoi.

At this time had to act as the organizer. Olympics held tolerated. Photos here.

The audience of 310 is equipped with the best current computers. Tati and IMDagger diligently and decide the next task. Is solving of tasks successful? Thants written on the Tati's face :)

Bigi and mikolka actively solve the task. The thought process flow directly from their highly persons

My classmates: Rokalo Dima and Anihovsky Pavel. They can decide better, but lacked the olympid experience

Representatives of the team Skoryny University. Previously, we studied in one liceum.

They solved tasks excellent - entered the top three winners!

2008-05-23 :.

mikolka writes another task

2008-05-23 :.
.: Tati

Tati a.k.a. Fedosenko Tatiana

2008-05-23 :.

Bigi a.k.a. Dubovik Alexander

Bogdanov Dmitry

2008-05-23 :.

Evgenia V. tells another ne'er-do-well olimpiad's man condition task

Vladimir [TimoX] Timoshkov

2008-05-23 :.

Kapusta Denis. Also studied at GGOL

Eugene Kleiner. It also represents University F. Skoryny

2008-05-23 :.

Shugaev Denis. There is currently student in GGOL

2008-05-23 :.

Since the end looked like winners in the audience 308

Kurochka Konstantin Sergeyevich - our Head of the Department of IT

2008-05-23 :.

Gena Korotkevich is at the forefront

2008-05-23 :.

Start rewarding. I go down the stairs:)

2008-05-23 :.

The process of awarding. Recently mozyr's students received the diploma

2008-05-23 :.

Gennady Korotkevich taken at the Olympics is the first place

2008-05-23 :.

No comments

2008-05-23 :.

Korobeynikova Evgenia V. - our curator, teacher and chief organizer of Informatics Olympiad

2008-05-23 :.

One of the organizers of this olympiad