.: Mozyr 2007

Teamwork Olympics programming in Mozyr's Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Shamyakin. Attended:

Pasha Pekun a.k.a. ] KiDex [

Vasya Petuh a.k.a. Devigerro

Koljan Akulich a.k.a. mikolka

Artem Romanov a.k.a. C00Lib1N and others. So, thriller ....

2007-05-16 :.

This linux-man Pasha (]KiDex[). Here is what people bring to Linux... Children who want to be the same - sitting under Linux! :-D

2007-05-16 :.

As we sat down with the train itself with the wounded. Evil, hungry, want to sleep. What is nave Olympus programming? Well, travelled ..

2007-05-16 :.

Already in Mozyr. As cucumbers in the bus. A uncle and aunt are not fit! :-D

2007-05-16 :.

For all in this life, you pay. Even for the nasty bus. The people, anyone, please let keygen from the bus! And then tired every time money to pay :(((

2007-05-16 :.

Well, it finally arrived! Now, with a calm soul can be read at the Olympics! Well, we have go ...

2007-05-16 :.
.: We

And this we will:)

2007-05-16 :.
.: We

The same features, but under a different angle! :-D

2007-05-16 :.

What the fuck? Here the real guys came from Gomel, but we did not even lift? As Shame!

2007-05-11 :.

Do you think that makes Pasha? Why, to be able to mound on top passers? Fu! As you might think this! Pasha - cultural man! He outlines marker fence!

2007-05-11 :.

Food! Is it, finally to scoff!

2007-05-11 :.

But the process itself and the Olympics. I think we have to think over the decision Kolyanom problem? Figen with two! Where you saw a thinking student? :-D These conditions we read! :-D

2007-05-11 :.

Already eaten almost all edible stocks. Bellydance full of food. Remains of food scattered on the table. Case done. Now you can try to think...

2007-05-11 :.

Nothing like! The package still remained sandwiches with sausage!

2007-05-11 :.

We and Korotkevich Gena. This is the guy who, in 4 class travel to the world Olympiad in Informatics and took a silver medal. Here we are such acquaintances ...

2007-05-11 :.
.: Back

Go back. Food already devoured all, T-shirts did not return, the tasks have been bad, only one took a diploma ... The mood is not of the best.

2007-05-11 :.

3 Musketeers. Rear View.

2007-05-10 :.

Linux, linux ... A cloud itself against the backdrop photograph! Perhaps, in micro $soft portfolio to recover met!