Mozyr 2007

Teamwork Olympics programming in Mozyr's Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Shamyakin. Attended:

Pasha Pekun a.k.a. ] KiDex [

Vasya Petuh a.k.a. Devigerro

Koljan Akulich a.k.a. mikolka

Artem Romanov a.k.a. C00Lib1N and others. So, thriller ....

Linux vs. Humanity.2007-05-16

Linux vs. Humanity.

This linux-man Pasha (]KiDex[). Here is what people bring to Linux... Children who want to be the same - sitting under Linux! :-D
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I want to sleep!2007-05-16

I want to sleep!

As we sat down with the train itself with the wounded. Evil, hungry, want to sleep. What is nave Olympus programming? Well, travelled ..
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Route taxis2007-05-16

Route taxis

Already in Mozyr. As cucumbers in the bus. A uncle and aunt are not fit! :-D
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Route taxis2007-05-16

Route taxis

For all in this life, you pay. Even for the nasty bus. The people, anyone, please let keygen from the bus! And then tired every time money to pay :(((
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Have to go2007-05-16

Have to go

Well, it finally arrived! Now, with a calm soul can be read at the Olympics! Well, we have go ...
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And this we will:)
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The same features, but under a different angle! :-D
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On the stairs2007-05-16

On the stairs

What the fuck? Here the real guys came from Gomel, but we did not even lift? As Shame!
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Cultural people2007-05-11

Cultural people

Do you think that makes Pasha? Why, to be able to mound on top passers? Fu! As you might think this! Pasha - cultural man! He outlines marker fence!
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Food! Is it, finally to scoff!
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Reading contest2007-05-11

Reading contest

But the process itself and the Olympics. I think we have to think over the decision Kolyanom problem? Figen with two! Where you saw a thinking student? :-D These conditions we read! :-D
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Trying to think2007-05-11

Trying to think

Already eaten almost all edible stocks. Bellydance full of food. Remains of food scattered on the table. Case done. Now you can try to think...
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Warming-up :)2007-05-11

Warming-up :)

Nothing like! The package still remained sandwiches with sausage!
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We and Korotkevich2007-05-11

We and Korotkevich

We and Korotkevich Gena. This is the guy who, in 4 class travel to the world Olympiad in Informatics and took a silver medal. Here we are such acquaintances ...
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Go back. Food already devoured all, T-shirts did not return, the tasks have been bad, only one took a diploma ... The mood is not of the best.
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3 Musketeers2007-05-11

3 Musketeers

3 Musketeers. Rear View.
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Linux, linux ... A cloud itself against the backdrop photograph! Perhaps, in micro $soft portfolio to recover met!
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